Tuesday, December 13, 2016


A few days before my date to be induced my Dr ordered a 38 week ultrasound to see how big the baby was. well... the ultrasound said my baby was measuring way bigger at 9.3. she called me later that day and talked to me about how the ultrasound size can be off a pound or so so close to the end of the pregnancy. so he could be closer to 7 pounds or 10! she urged me to do a c section because I am small aND I really struggled with aspen when she was born bigger. I was very nervous because I didn't want the recovery with 2 kids home on christmas break. she said I had a day or so to decide. I am a firm believe in intuition. I like to wait and pray and listen to know what to do.  I didn't have a firm feeling on either way.  I asked for a blessing.  so colbys dad came over and helped Colby.  it was nice.  Colby blessed I'd know best aND the dr would know best and it would go smoothly.  it was kinda late like 10pm aND Colby went to bed.  as I've stated before I can't sleep.  I stayed up, cleaned a little, watched tv abd played on my phone . I went to lay down at 245am tired... then my water broke .  haha I got my answer! my water has never broke before.  my labor has never progressed before.  I was barely dilated for weeks.  I got my blessing answer in the most straight forward way possible ! ♡