Tuesday, December 13, 2016


A few days before my date to be induced my Dr ordered a 38 week ultrasound to see how big the baby was. well... the ultrasound said my baby was measuring way bigger at 9.3. she called me later that day and talked to me about how the ultrasound size can be off a pound or so so close to the end of the pregnancy. so he could be closer to 7 pounds or 10! she urged me to do a c section because I am small aND I really struggled with aspen when she was born bigger. I was very nervous because I didn't want the recovery with 2 kids home on christmas break. she said I had a day or so to decide. I am a firm believe in intuition. I like to wait and pray and listen to know what to do.  I didn't have a firm feeling on either way.  I asked for a blessing.  so colbys dad came over and helped Colby.  it was nice.  Colby blessed I'd know best aND the dr would know best and it would go smoothly.  it was kinda late like 10pm aND Colby went to bed.  as I've stated before I can't sleep.  I stayed up, cleaned a little, watched tv abd played on my phone . I went to lay down at 245am tired... then my water broke .  haha I got my answer! my water has never broke before.  my labor has never progressed before.  I was barely dilated for weeks.  I got my blessing answer in the most straight forward way possible ! ♡

Saturday, October 15, 2016

3rd trimester

So I'm about 31 weeks right now.  I had a long 3d ultra sound last week.  They wanted to check heart patterns since the baby was so stubborn the lastfew times. He's so big.  When I first saw the screen i stated he looked chunky. But as the tech measured you it was showing your size between 33 to 31 weeks and I was 29 weeks with myou new due date! 27 if you go by my old number.  So crazy! Almost 4 lbs! And I still have almost 2 months to go. Ahhh. I've gained only 22 lbs. I don't have any real cravings but I do enjoy chomping on ice as always.  Don't worry I've had testsome. I'm not anemic.

3d ultra sound

Tuesday, September 13, 2016


Measuring big! Ultrasound show's his due date should be 12/8 instead of 12/21 that the dr estimated!!

Wednesday, August 3, 2016

Social media

This is how we shared our news with family and friends on Facebook.

Baby boy!!!!

About 2 weeks ago Colby took off work early to see aspen go to her first day of Kindergarten and then go to our ultrasound! We found out the placenta is in front so it makes it harder to hear heart beats and feel kicks. Then we found out you're a boy!!!! Colby literally jumped for joy!!!
 we haven't decided on a name but colby has one he thinks he can convince me to love. 

Sunday, July 3, 2016


I'm jumping for joy and so happy I can't sit still. My babies usually end up formula fed. But it's expensive. Many people use a government base program called wic to get free and reduced price formula. But it is income based and we don't qualify nor do we try to use government programs. Anyway I follow lots of coupon blogs. I saw this one for generic Similac formula on sale at walgreens. It was almost a week ago..so I figured I was out of luck. I went 3 places and found a bunch!!!!! Normal price 359.00. I paid a total of 23.00!!!!! Twenty three dollats!!

Wednesday, June 29, 2016

Family car

Well for the past 8 years I've been driving a Ford f150 four door truck. Colby got a great opportunity to buy a suv with 3rd row seating. Something we didn't think we could afford with only him working. His boss offered him a great deal and we took it. The girls love having their own vents because it's dang hot. I get nervous with change and told him no a few times before I said do what you want.  But I do love it


This week I had another Dr appointment. Got to hear your cute heart beat. 160
 You were right by my belly button. I know you're normally not supposed to feel movement but sometimes if I lay really still at night and only on my left side I feel you randomly bouncing around.  I had one good non tired day this week. No sleep medicine is kicking much butt. Last night I laid awake until 4am. Then the girls come in my room in the morning and just wait for me. Play with toys or games on my phone. They are too scared to stay down stairs by themselves. Makes me feel so guilty but I'm not sure what to do. I'm so tired but can't sleep.

Wednesday, June 15, 2016


Currently right now I always wants sour grapefruit soda and snowcones. Half melted blizzards from dairy queen, sushi, fish tacos mmmmm. Also Panda express. Anything that doesn't my me queezy. This morning I literally woke up gagging. I was even doing it in my sleep and it woke me up. Haha

Saturday, June 11, 2016

We tried to find out if you were a boy or girl but you're so stubborn. Literally turned your whole body around so we just saw your butt.
Last week I got to hear your heart beat. 166 per minute!

Wednesday, May 11, 2016


 Definitely cried today when the nurse practioner told me over the phone I'm going to have to wean off ambien while pregnant.  I feel like it's my only saving grace. I have such bad insomnia. When I was pregnant with aspen I'd be up all night long, colby would get up for work at 5am and I'd still never been to sleep yet. I'm so allergic to so many suppliments so it's scary to me to think I'm never going to sleep.  I'm going to start crying again .

Sunday, May 8, 2016

Early surprise

We wanted baby number 3. We waited until we were really ready. I'm sorry your birthday will be in December though. I didn't plan that. My periods are so regular. I know exactly when I will get it. I get the same symptoms. This time I got a headache and nothing. I got so tired which is nothing new. But the extreme tiredness never went away I was tired day after day. The difference from My first two pregnancies with the girls is that I would get carpal tunnel in my fingers would ache like I had arthritis. Both times I got hit massive huge hormonal zits on my face. This time none of that just a bad bad headache for a week straight. I went to buy a pregnancy test and I got two actually just in case. The double line was faint but it was definitely there was also just the day after I had missed my period so I knew that my hormones weren't super high. I love the frosting on the donut for Colby to tell him because I wasn't sure how I never mentioned I miss my. So he wasn't thinking anything about having another baby that month. He didn't really understand the donut wording and then when I explained it to him he jumped up and down and said we're excited! I'm so excited! you're excited right!? I'm so excited!